How to cure varicose veins at home

The fight against varicose veins at home is possible and is justified only in the early stages of the disease. All we can do for yourself — not to give the pathology of develop further and affect the trunk of the vein, when the surgery is inevitable. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen integrally the vascular wall of the veins of the lower extremities.

Cure varicose veins at home without the use of invasive methods of intervention, unfortunately, is impossible. But the operation can be avoided completely, start the treatment in a timely manner, when the first symptoms appeared, and the vascular change of the image.

The initial stage of varicose veins

When it will be effective for the treatment of varicose veins at home

  • the early stages of the disease;
  • after the doctor's consultation and consider the possible combination of different methods;
  • if you have a predisposition to the development of venous insufficiency at the genetic level or in certain working conditions.

To avoid possible complications, side effects, can't make decisions for himself. It is necessary first to examine the flebologa, perform ultrasound of the lower extremities, to establish the degree of venous insufficiency, collect all the accompanies the story, and only after the lighting of the entire picture of the health situation of picking up the complex therapy.

Traditional methods of treatment

Under conservative of the traditional methods of treatment include the use of the tools for external use, which act at the local level, and the reception of preformed drugs that help to reinforce the wall of the vessel interior.

With the help of ointments and pills prescribed by the doctor, you can treat the varicose veins and at home, from time to time in consultation with the specialist.

Creams and ointments

Treatment of varicose veins domestic media for outdoor use allows you to quickly achieve the effect resistant. Normally, the cream and ointment are assigned several times a year, the courses, the duration of use and multiplicity of which depends on the individual characteristics. Visible effect medication given only through several weeks of continuous use.

Thrombolytics and antiplatelet drugs

Often used by the media group. The main active substance — heparin. This is the line of anticoagulant, whose main function is to block the agglutination of platelets and the formation of micro-clots of blood. Thanks to the improvement of the rheology of the blood, the heparin also contributes to a better oxygenation and thropics of the tissue, are used for the prevention of the excessive "infiltration of the plasma in extracellular space. In the background of the app so much they are going for the inflammation, improves the color of the skin, docked pain syndrome, and cramps.

Treatment of varicose veins using the bioadhesive


Venotonic drugs must necessarily enter into the complex of treatment of the venous insufficiency. Often used the treatment of the oral form. But the ointment also are very popular.

The medication has a cure action. Strengthens the wall of the vessel, is resumed, the suction effect of the work, preventing the reflux. Thanks Venotonic cure varicose veins quit, but you can prevent the disease or reduce the severity.

Phlebotonics are divided into groups on the basis of the main active substance:

  1. flavonoids (filled with items that are missing for the regeneration of damaged cells);
  2. the saponins (horse chestnut extract, licorice, hazel, the leaves of the grape);
  3. routine (R-vitamin activity stimulates contraction of the smooth fibers);
  4. synthetic;
  5. combined means.

Corticosteroids and nsaids

The media refer to the symptomatic therapy. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for the rapid conquest of the unpleasant sensations, because ointments medicinal will bring the result of a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks. Ingredients penetrate into the problem areas and bother to the mediators of inflammation, already after one hour, eliminates pain, swelling, and itching.

In monotherapy must not be used.

An ointment or cream, you can't use more than 2 weeks on a permanent basis. This can be addictive, and the oppression of immunity from local, leading to contact dermatitis or the development of fungal diseases. Contraindications to the use of topical nsaids:

  • intolerance of the individual;
  • age restrictions (see instructions);
  • the violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application;
  • dermatitis bullosa or other diseases of the skin at the site of application.

Corticosteroids are not recommended. Hormonal medications have a huge amount of side effects and contraindications, so just apply according to the ineffectiveness previously assigned to the therapy.

Own treatment of the tool

The main drugs for oral use, which are used in the treatment of varicose veins — venotonic drugs. From the inside of them is slower, but more effective in achieving the objectives. And have a long term effect. Regardless of the form of application of the medicine directed to the solution of identical problems.

The tincture horse chestnut

In the popular medicine

Treat varicose veins at home and with the help of folk medicine. Mandatory requirement: the complexity. For a proper fight only popular methods is not enough. They can complement assigned to the pharmacotherapy.

Methodologies much. But not all of the recipes of varicose veins in house conditions will help you. Don't forget that the body of each person has its own and original cause of the disease is also individual. Can trust is those recipes that helps to strengthen the wall of the vessel, to be firm and more elastic.

The tincture horse chestnut

On the counters of pharmacies are now a countless amount of pills and ointments for veins, which includes the extract of horse chestnut. However, such a dye can also be prepared at home, she will help you to deal with the swelling and the pain.

To prepare you will need 50 g of inflorescences dried bay leaf and 1 litre of vodka. Mix in a glass jar cube and insist 14 days in a cool and dark place. Every day it is necessary to agitate the mixture.

Take before each meal, 30 ml for 7-10 days. After weeks of holiday the course of repeat. The expected effect will come one month after the therapy.

Grated potatoes

To prepare the puree of 1 procedure you will need 5 tubers of the potato. Grate in a grater and make a purée in your limb. Wrap the leg with plastic film, the top of the towel. At 4 hours, remove the poultice and wash the skin with clean lukewarm water. In the absence of unpleasant sensations after compress you can carry out the procedure 1 every 2 days during 2 to 3 weeks.

The tincture of Kalanchoe Cirrus

For the preparation of the solution it is necessary to fill a liter glass jar up to half the leaves of the plant. After pouring septal (70% alcohol) or alcohol illegal to the top. Leave the bottle in 2 weeks in a dark place, stirring occasionally when the mixture. Received the tincture can be applied in the interior, and for external use.

Soak a gauze in the solution, do hot compresses (in the chiffon to put the polythene and warm towel) in 2 hours. For the oral administration of consume 30 drops on the inside before you eat 1 time in the morning. The course duration is 1 month.

The decoction of hops

The decoction of hops

For the preparation of the mixture should be ground hop cones. 1 tablespoon pour 200 ml of boiling water and put in water steam steam. Consume 30 minutes. Then leave to cool. Obtained from the decoction divide into 3 portions and take daily 3 times a day for several minutes before meals. The average of the duration of the course is of 1.5 months.

The apple cider vinegar

The tool used simultaneously inward and outward. For outdoor applications without diluting the vinegar put the entire length of the legs and is left for several hours under a gauze, then wash. Apply 1 time per day.

For internal use 1 tablespoon of vinegar diluted in 1 cup of purified water at room temperature and drink on an empty stomach (if there are no problems with the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract). The duration of treatment is usually 1-2 months.

The tincture of lilac.

Dried or fresh flowers of lilacs fill a glass jar halfway. Above flood septal or the light of the moon. Insist on the solution over 7 days in a cool and dark place. Used for external use only. Every night for a month before going to bed received by the tincture rub the lower extremities in its entire length.

The decoction of arnica, and forestry of the hazel tree

To prepare the broth take a tablespoon chopped arnica and the bark forest oak. Pour the boiling water 150 ml and bring to a boil over low heat. Then, leave for 8 hours under the lid in a dark place.

Take by mouth 50 ml before each meal. The average course duration is of 3-4 weeks. All of these techniques it is best to apply after consultation and negotiation with the doctor. If there are new unpleasant symptoms associated with the beginning of the use of one of the techniques, it is necessary to immediately suspend the procedure and seek medical advice.

Easy to run on

Tips from a specialist

How to improve the circulation of the blood and how to reduce the pain? These 2 hot topics can be combined into a single section, since they are interconnected.

The result of varicose veins — interruption in the operation of the blood flow velocity. The consequence of the violation of the circulation is the pain. Restoring blood flow — can get rid of the pain syndrome. To cut quickly pain, of course, you can use garlands or ointments nsaids, which are described above. But it is necessary to approach more background to this problem — get rid of the cause. To improve the circulation of the blood, in addition to the main therapy, it necessarily important to the overall approach. Solve problems with eating, physical activity and the regime as a whole.

We must give up the harmful products

It is always necessary to be engaged in physical activity. Yes, with the varicose veins appeared restrictions in this regard. But it is necessary to practice sports and exercises, which allows you to: lightweight, running, walking, dancing, swimming, cardio, strength training at an amateur level. The muscles must be in good condition, to help pump the blood devoid of the smooth muscles of the veins. Food plays an important role in the regeneration of the tissues and the adverse effects of the outside, corrects the excess weight and excessive load. With the exception of fat-rich food, of aeration, of the immense amount of sweet, and make, the junk food will improve the overall condition and will give you a nice ease.

Compression garment must be approved and collected, the treating physician, taking into account the load, the activity and the degree of the injury. Remove varicose veins in the home that may be in the early stages, it is important to love your body and want to be healthy. Only then the results are not made wait, and the innovation does not seem to agony.